Children /Teens / Parent-kid Yoga
WeR Camp Children /Teens Family Yoga Camp provides children and teens not only learning the yoga poses and meditation but playing yoga games, quiet time exercise, creative storytelling and crafts that will support them physically and emotionally as they gain skills and confidence in communication, mindfulness, compassion, cooperation, strength, flexibility, leadership and creativity. This will be a good opportunity to deepen relationships between family and friends, and help them develop skills that will support them in all areas of their life.
在WeR Camp兒童/青少年/親子瑜珈課程中,不僅提供兒童和青少年學習瑜伽動作和冥想,而且還可以玩瑜伽遊戲,安靜的時間練習,富有創造性的故事和手作。這些相關聯的活動,能夠達到身體和情感方面的交流,進而培養正念、信心、同理心、合作精神、靈活性,領導力和創造力。這將是一個深化家人和朋友之間關係的好機會,並幫助他們培養能夠支持他們生活中各個領域的技能。 |